Educational Equipments Manufacturer, Exporters & Suppliers - School Educational Equipments Manufacturers & Exporters of Educational Equipments for Lab. Science Lab Products, Teaching Aids, Classroom Instruments, Educational Laboratory
PHFM0339 - Second Law of Motion
This is a cast iron spring driven projectile apparatus. It demonstrates that a horizontally projected ball and vertically dropped ball land at the same time. The spring device can propel ball to 48" from its starting point. A detachable rod for clamping to a table or stand.
PHFM0341 - Ballistic Car
Demonstrates that the forward velocity of a ball ejected vertically is the same as the forward velocity of the vehicle from which it was ejected. Includes a vertical spring loaded barrel and a 1" diameter steel ball. The ejection mechanism has two settings which are controlled by a release pin and cord.
Size 250 x 60 x 140mm.
PHFM0343 - Free Fall Apparatus, 110V, 1.2m
This item is used to study the rate of an item in free fall specifically a small steel ball. This ball is held by an electromagnet and when released, the rate of fall is measured by a photo-gate and timer ( photo-gate and timer is not included ).
PHFM0345 - Economy Free Fall Tube - Newton Tube
This economical device demonstrates how aerodynamic forces, which dictate that lighter objects experience a lesser acceleration than heavier objects, are virtually eliminated when in a vacuum environment. This unit features a durable, clear plastic tube, 120cm long. The hose cock is connected to any standard vacuum pump (not included) to remove that air from tube.
1888-90 Length 90cm
1888-70 Llength 70cm
PHFM0347 - Student Free Fall Apparatus
This device was designed for student labs for the high school through college levels. Easy to set up, use, and store. Comes complete with spark timer and recording tapes. Each tape can record up to three free falls. 30"x 6"x 7", 3.8lbs.
PHFM0349 - Photo-gate and Timer
The solid state apparatus is a must for any physics class and is perfect for our air track and free fall apparatus. Two photo-gates are included, each with it's own shielded connecting cord and mounting screws. The timer has functions for timing, mechanical periods of oscillation, acceleration, collision velocities, counting and more.
PHFM0351 - Free Fall Demonstration Kit
This unit denmonstrates compound force changing when a mass rises and falls